Pedalheads Bike is a learn-to-ride camp known for taking kids from training wheels to two wheel to road riding. We combine a fun group setting with specialized equipment, tailored cycling lessons, and incredible instructors to build confidence and get some of the most tentative kids biking on their own.
Let us take the frustration out of teaching your child how to ride a bike. Trusted by families since 1995, we've helped over 500,000 kids learn to ride with confidence!
Read reviewsWe offer week-long camps with options for full-day, or private lessons. Younger kids get introduced to biking, while kids 4+ get off training wheels and work towards road riding.
Watch videoOur highly trained instructors have a knack for creating amazing bonds with kids! By keeping our classes small, we're able to provide a more memorable camp experience for each child.
Explore levelsWhether your child is on a balance bike, a tricycle, or has already mastered riding on two wheels, we have classes designed to teach them at their comfort level and grow their skills and confidence even further.
*All ages are based on the calendar year except for Ontario which is by the start of camp